Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Test to detect your Child Talent Via DNA

The advancement in technology states that a child’s talent can be determined with the aid of DNA testing.
The tests in Europe and the United States are being done in order to discover what the future prospects are. The procedure is said to have few pros and cons which can be elucidated if pondered neck deep into it.
The report stated by Mike Weinstein of Atlas Sports Genetics says, “A child can be tested directly right after they’re born. Because of this in-depth gene mapping knowledge we can determine the inborn or natural talents of your child.”

Test to detect your Child Talent Via DNA

On the flip side according to a statement by a renowned orthopedic surgeon the analysis of the ACTN3 gene can be employed to determine the type of muscle fibre the child will develop as he/she grows old. This might hint what the preferences of the child are in various kinds of sports.
Health experts state that a DNA test determines various findings with a mere swab of simple saliva which costs nearly Rs 2,000. The ideal age to do the test is 4-10 years.